My post the other day was me letting go. I typed out all of that and in that moment I let it all go. I cast all my cares upon Him. Not an hour after I posted it I got a call. It was a friend that I have not seen in a while. She asked if she could stop by a minute. Of course! (My house was a mess but she has been here before and the rule is I only clean for you once...then you get to see the real me!). So she showed up and she sat down and began to tell me about a family home that has been sitting empty. She had made some calls and she wanted to know if we would be interested in staying there til we could get back on our feet.
WHAT?!?!?! Seriously?!?!?!?
I didn't cry...yet! We asked about rent and the price was exactly what Troy and I have talked about (when talking about a reasonable budget). Then I cried. I knew that the Lord knew what we could afford and that He was going to provide that for us. We went to go and look at the home. On the way there I prayed thanking God for an option. This is the way we are looking at this.
*I have spent too many months trying to manipulate scenarios into God's plan. The littlest thing would happen and I would think 'This is God. I know it is. It will work'. Not everything in life is God's will. So I couldn't go back to that. I couldn't assume this was God's will. But what I did know is that this was not coincidence. God was showing me that we had options.
We looked at the house. It needs work. The kind that Troy and I can do and with a Lowe's discount; cheaply. By the end, our potential landlord had lowered the rent by 50% if we would help with some projects around the house.
Troy and I were in shock. We left with a promise to pray about it and then to get back to her. We don't know what God has in store. A couple of friends have offered to help pack and even help move. All things we may need. I just don't know if it is time, yet. Like I said; we are going to wait for the Lord to move us. We are going to wait for His perfect timing. What I do know is that if that house is where we should be then "it will be there when we get there". A little line that Troy always says and something the Lord said to me. There are so many other factors going on now. We honestly can't make a decision yet.
God is working. I know He is. He provided an envelope of cash for us yesterday. Right when we needed pull-ups, gas and kitty litter. You know the important stuff! It may sound trivial to you but God cares about those things and He shows us that with His timing!
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