Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Not moving

I have thought about blogging a few times.  A fleeting thought.  I have been so consumed with myself this last month that my walk with the Lord has not moved.  I have not been seeking Him as I should. I have been too busy.  Too caught up in my own stuff.

I never felt the true meaning of Christmas this year.  I never focused on Jesus.  I never even went to church.  There were just too many other things going on.

I have started my new job this month.  I am truly blessed by that.  I am so thankful.  Yet I have not taken the time to thank him. I have not spent anytime alone with Him.

It takes a lot to admit this to the public.  This is where I am.  I know that I am wrong.  I am in a state of repentance.  I know that He is faithful and will welcome me back. But that doesn't give me the right to abuse His grace.

No one wants to admit they are "grace -abusers" but we all are at some point in our lives.  I am resolved to change this. I am tired of being tired and feeling empty.  I know that those feelings are a direct result of my lack of movement with the Lord.

What about you?  How is your walk? Could it be better? Is He first?


Tote-ally Blessed Ellen said...

I was just telling my husband almost the exact same thing last night as we were driving home from visiting family. It seems that when we go away to visit with family we haven't seen in a long time, my spiritual life gets placed on hold. It should NOT be this way! I feel so very far from my Lord and Saviour. It makes me sad! I have really realized though, that I need to MAKE time for Him ALWAYS. He needs to be first. Like you said, I don't want to be a 'grace abuser'. He is so loving and kind to us. I am very thankful for that. He has given us so much, and we tend to forget to thank Him continually. I will be praying for you Christi! That your walk with the Lord is strengthened, even though you are busy with so much other stuff.
In Christian love,

Christi Brown said...

We all go through it! Thanks Ellen for the encouragement!