Saturday, November 19, 2011

Eternal Thankfulness

On Facebook everyone, including me, has been counting days of thankfulness.  Each morning when I log on I think of something that I am thankful for.  Some days it is harder than others.  There is always something to be thankful for we just have to intentionally look for it sometimes.

This got me thinking.  Am I intentionally looking at what I can be thankful for (outside of the month of November)? Do my actions reflect that I am truly thankful?  Am I teaching my children to be truly thankful?  These are all good and serious questions.  The repercussions of the answers can be life changing.

So what is the answer?

For me, I go in waves.  There are times when I can't help but see how blessed I am to have even been created.  Then there are those days when staying in bed with the covers pulled over my head sounds much better.  There is an ebb and flow; I guess. Isn't that human nature? You know the sinful part of us?

A dear, sweet woman from church passed away on Thursday.  As I think about her life my thoughts naturally drift to her new life in heaven.  She is now with Jesus.  She is spending eternity with the One who saved her.  Talk about thankfulness! Eternal thankfulness. 

Thankfulness is something that is chosen while here.  It is intentional. I believe that when we are in heaven at the feet of Jesus our thankfulness will be much more than just an intentional act.  It will flow from us without any reservation.  I don't even think we will be able to stop it. It will be that eternal thankfulness. So I ask myself and you this....Can we have eternal thankfulness on Earth?

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