Monday, November 12, 2012

Grumbling and Frustration

Felt the need to write again.  Many times I sit down at the computer without any real ideas of what to write and usually I come out with something good. So here goes!

We are over halfway into our second week in Ft. Worth.  At this moment Troy is sitting next to me reading a book; it is a Monday at noon.  I find myself getting a little frustrated.  Frustrated that there is still not a job and that our bank account is slowly dwindling.  We came here literally on a hope and a prayer. Funny, as I type this the Israelites come to mind. They left Egypt with nothing. All they had was a hope and a prayer that life would be better on the other side.  They did not have extra food.  They did not have permanent shelter.  They did not know what was in store.  God performed great miracles for them during this time.  He led them in the desert for 40 years!  *Dear Lord, please don't make me wander for 40 years.* He provided food, shelter, and safety.  Eventually, they ended up in the Promised Land. 

So as I sit frustrated I think of the Israelites.  They were frustrated too at times.  They saw miracles.  They witnessed God moving yet they grumbled.  God remained faithful.  As the Holy Spirit reminds me of the struggles of those before me I am comforted that 1) God has a plan, 2) God is trustworthy, 3) God wants what is best for me, 4) God is faithful. 

The kids and I are learning about God's faithfulness in our homeschool lives.  Each day we are learning a different way that God kept his promise.  Today was the story of the Israelites and the river.  The Ark went before them, the water stopped, the people crossed as the Ark (the presence of God) stayed in the middle of the dry river bottom.  After all of the people were across the Ark was taken to the shore.  What an amazing picture of God.  He went before them and made a way (through the trial) and He waited for them to pass through.  He did not go ahead until they were all safely through. 

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