Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Looking for Salvation

As you know I have been reading "Radical" by David Platt.  It is really good but very challenging.  There is nothing new in this book but what it does do is it forces you to look at things in a different way. 

For a couple of months I have been struggling with this new look at life and how it should be lived.  I have struggled with what I am to do with this new knowledge.  At the same time I have learned new things about children and adults that are being mistreated all over the world.  In Proverbs 24:12 it states that "Don't say, "I didn't know it!" God can read your mind. He watches each of us and knows our thoughts. And God will pay us back  for what we do" (Contemporary English Version). The Bible clearly states that once we know we are held accountable for it. 

I had a friend argue that some don't know. That they are ignorant.  I argue that they have an inherent moral code, a conscience if you will.  Today I spent some time in the Word.  I opened my Bible to Romans 1.  I began to read about the salvation of the Lord. Then I came upon something; "..that which is known about God is evident to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse". Romans 1:19-20.  Romans 2:15 goes on to say that "the Law has been written on the conscience of their hearts". (NASB). This is referring to ALL people.

The Lord told me that He was going to show me His salvation.  I believe that He will.  I am praying for those around the world.  I am praying for those close to home.  I am praying for myself.  I do not know what is in store but I do know that He has a much greater plan that what is going on now.

If you would like to read about some things going on right now please check out this blog, The Blessing of Verity.  It is powerful and real.  There is a lot of evil in this world and just knowing how to pray is enough. 

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