Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I just love how God works.  He has been silent these last few weeks but He has not been gone.  He has been working on our behalf.  I know this because I have been at peace about everything.  I know this because in the last 24 hours some really cool and unexpected things have happened.  I just still can't believe how good He is. 

Things are still not settled 100% but the cool thing is that God is still working.  I know this because He has promised us He would.  He tells us so in His Word. 

Are you feeling down? Are you wondering where God is? Do you think that you are alone?  I know how all of your questions can be answered.  It is in His Word.  Even when you don't hear an audible voice, the pages of the Bible will speak to you with the power of the Holy Spirit.

Just wanted to encourage someone today!

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