Thursday, July 28, 2011

It's a process

I blogged the other day about wanting to get rid of everything and hold on to everything all at the same time.  I believe that is not a sin to have things.  But I do believe it breaks one of the Ten Commandments when we choose stuff over the Lord.  You know that pesky little one about false gods before Him.

I have received an overwhelming reaction to that post.  Many of you feel the same way.  We want to get rid of it all because we know that we don't NEED it.  But is that really what the Lord wants us to do?  I know many people who have a lot and give even more. Should they still get rid of all they have?  What about those that don't have much but still give?  Do they need to get rid of it all? These are all things I have been thinking about. 

I feel like the Holy Spirit has been guiding me in this process.  Sure I have to make decisions on my own but I want to make the decisions the Lord has willed for me.  I feel Him nudging me to make better choices, to reevaluate what I think is a need and what is a want.  Amazingly most of my needs are really wants.  I have also began reevaluating what I am teaching my children.  Troy and I have conditioned them to think that "when we get can buy this".  The reality is that we don't have the right to spend anything that we have without consulting our Banker first.  He provides it so we should honor Him with our spending.

This is a process and although we have made some drastic changes we still need to make more! What about you?  What do you feel the Lord doing in your life?

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